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Reasons why you should eat cucumber

The cucumber is a member of cucurbitaceae family. It provides various nutrients but are low in calories,fat,cholesterol & sodium. Cucumber commonly thought to be a vegetable but actually it is a fruit. Cucumbers contain seeds & grow from the ovaries of flowering plant. It consists of 95% water. The nutrition facts of cucumbers (100gm) are : Protein: 650mg Potassium: 147mg Vitamin C : 2.8mg Calcium : 16mg Phosphorus : 24mg Water : 95.23g Health benefits: The water in cucumbers can help in keep you hydrated. The vitamin K in cucumber helps in blood clot & keep your bone healthy. Putting cucumbers on your skin may help ease sunburn pain, swelling, damaged skin. It prevents dark circles under the eyes. Cucumbers are good source of phyto nutrients which have antioxidants, anti- inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Cucumbers help in detoxify of your body. Cucumber can also inhibits the growth of the pancreatic cancer cells. Cucumbers contain potassium which prevents heart disea...

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